Christmas In Corbridge 2018: Stallholders.
This annual event is being held on Monday 3 December 2018 starting at 16:00 and finishing at 21:00 and was formerly known as Late Night Shopping.
Stallholders and street food vendors are invited to apply for stalls / pitches in and around the Market Place subject to the below.
Note: As detailed on the first form below, we expect to be oversubscribed for this event. We also try to avoid duplication.
So you must check with Visit Corbridge Secretary Liz Hagger that there is space and also that your type of business will be accepted before submitting an application or any payment.
Her contact details are on the first form.
Full details of the event are given in Stall Application 2018 and Corbridge Health and Safety 2018
Please note that a completed application form, copy of public liability insurance and food hygiene certificate (where appropriate) and payment of the stall fee are required to secure your place.