All memberships are now due for 2025. (See details at the bottom of the page)
Visit Corbridge works to promote Corbridge for the benefit of local businesses, organisations residents and visitors, including by organising events and running the Visit Corbridge website. Along with general promotion of the village itself via social media channels on Facebook, Instagram and ‘X’. Businesses, community groups and others are welcomed as members.
Our local community group is run by a team of unpaid volunteers who give up their time for the benefit of the village. We organise events such as ‘A Midsummer’s Evening In Corbridge’ and ‘Christmas In Corbridge’, including provision of Christmas lights. All of which takes a good part of each year to organise. We also organise other events such as The Great Corbridge Bake Off.
Visit Corbridge is one part of registered charity the Corbridge Community Partnership based at the Corbridge Community Hub and Heritage Centre in Princes Street.
Benefits of membership include an option to have an entry on the Visit Corbridge website and helping to fund events which bring a large number of people to Corbridge and encourage both them and others to visit at a later date for shopping and hospitality.
It also helps to pay for the regularly refreshed expensive large framed village maps in Middle Street, the free car park south of the bridge and on both platforms at Corbridge Railway Station, along with A4 copies made freely available to visitors at the library and Corbridge Heritage Centre. Note: These maps were updated in January 2025 at a cost of £900 for the large maps alone. With thousands of leaflets also to be produced and paid for.
And, of course, as a member you are playing your part in supporting our local community.
Visit Corbridge also provides representation to promote Corbridge on local TV, radio and print. We provide a Corbridge voice in respect of Northumberland Tourism and the Heart of Hardian’s Wall Tourism Association. Together with representation on issues affecting Corbridge with the County Council and Parish Council via their Highways and Neighbourhood Services consultative group, working in partnership with others on many other topics and advertising of Corbridge in various publications. We also fund and support the Friends of Corbridge Railway Station group.
2025 Membership: The membership form is below in PDF, Pages and Word file formats. There is no charge for charities, voluntary organisations and clubs but if that applies please make your status known via the ‘Type of business / organisation’ section on the form. Charities should also include their registered charity number.
Note: If you were a paid up 2024 member and you are sure we have your up to date details then there is NO need to fill out the form. Please just pay the annual £60 membership fee due for 2025 via online bank transfer (details below), making your name clear in the payment information, and then email Membership Secretary Ceri Armstrong to notify her you have paid:
Account 03194337 at Barclays, Sort Code 20-83-73 with the name of your business as the reference.