Corbridge Parish Council has responsibility for the well-being of its local community. Its work falls into three main categories:
- Representing the local community
- Delivering services to meet local needs
- Striving to improve quality of life in the parish
Attending a council meeting is the best way to find out what it does. Have a look at our website to find out more about our regular meetings and the work we do.
The Parish Council is also responsible for the bi-monthly newsletter Corbridge Matters which is delivered to every household in the village. Copies of recent editions can also be found on the website.
Examples of the kind of projects supported by the Parish Council include the free public car park to the south of the bridge; the village skate park; Corbridge Youth Initiative; Highlights drama productions in the parish hall; Corbridge in Bloom and many other village activities.
The Parish Council also operates the village hall as a centre for community use, and this excellent facility can be used for events and private functions. For more details, please see our website, or contact the Clerk to the Parish Council, Mandy Senior by email or by phone 07500 833784.
Online PDF versions of our local community magazine Corbridge Matters – published by the Parish Council six times a year – are uploaded on to this Visit Corbridge site.
You can visit the Corbridge Parish Council web site here.