St Andrew’s Church

Set in the Market Place at the very heart of the village, St Andrew’s is a beautiful, historic and welcoming church.

Christians have worshipped on this site since 670 when Saint Wilfrid founded a monastery here. The church is famous for its Saxon Tower and Roman Arch at the west end of the church, framing the Font. Much of the present interior dates from the 13th century. Printed guide sheets for visitors are available in a variety of languages.

 St Andrew’s is not only an inspiring building but home to an active and friendly worshipping community, sustaining a vibrant programme of services and events. As a Parish Church of the Church of England it seeks to minister to the whole community. 

The church is open every day between 9am and 5pm and we are delighted to welcome visitors to Corbridge. People from near and far are drawn here by its strong spiritual presence. Many comment on the beauty and peacefulness of the building and come to sit for a while, to pray, to light a candle, to remember a loved one.

We provide a wide-range of services from the Book of Common Prayer and Common Worship to more informal services at the monthly gatherings for Messy Church and All-Age Worship.  Morning and Evening Prayer are said in church on most days of the year. We aspire to offer worship of a high standard, using a wide range of worship texts and music, with lively preaching and engaged intercession. We are a diverse congregation, including Christians from a variety of traditions.  We are passionate about sharing God’s love and following Jesus Christ as his disciples. 

We are delighted to welcome everyone into our building and into our church life. The fact that our doors are open every day is a symbol that we are an open, accepting, and above all, friendly church community. We hope you will be inspired by your visit.


8.00amHoly Communion2nd & 4th Sunday
9.00amHoly Communion at Halton1st Sunday
10.00amParish CommunionEvery Sunday
3.00pmMessy Church2nd Sunday
4.00pmAll Age Worship4th Sunday
6.00pmEvening Service
Holy Communion with hymns1st Sunday
Evening Prayer (said)2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday
Choral Evensong3rd Sunday

Please consult weekly bulletin for more details.

Contact –

Vicar: Canon David J Kennedy –

Churchwarden: Mike Collins –

Churchwarden: Linda Hunter –

01434 634905