We’d like invite you to join us and North East debut writer Sally Urwin, a.k.a the Pint Sized Farmer, for the launch of her new book A Farmer’s Diary: A Year at High House Farm.
Sally and her husband Steve own High House Farm in Northumberland, which they share with Mavis the Sheepdog, one very fat pony, and many, many sheep. Set in beautiful, wild landscape, and in use for generations, it’s the perfect setting for Sally’s (sometimes brutally) honest and charming account of farming life. From stock sales to lambing sheds, and out in the fields in driving snow and hot summer days, A Farmer’s Diary reveals the highs, lows and hard, hard work involved in making a living from the land.
Filled with grit and humour, newborn lambs and local characters, this is the perfect book for anyone who has ever wondered what it’s like on the other side of the fence.
Thursday 4th April, at High House Farm, Matfen, NE20 0RG. Tickets are available now at £5.00, which includes a welcome drink on arrival – Doors open 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Sally will be on hand to show us around the High House Farm lambing shed, introduce you to her ewes, explain the lambing process and introduce other farm characters such as Mavis the collie dog, Candy the fat Shetland pony, Scabby the rescue sheep … And, to top it all off, there will be lambs!!
Sadly, due to health reasons, pregnant women will have to stay out of the lambing sheds. Sorry!
Ticket bookings are available now from Forum Books, Corbridge, by phone on 01434 632931 or online via our Ticket Source website here.
We hope to see you soon!